It’s an unfortunate truth, but people are injured by the misconduct or negligence of attorneys every year. Many times when legal malpractice has occurred, it is a compounding of an injury that first caused the need for legal representation.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of lawyers work very hard to uphold the high ethical standards the legal profession is built upon. But lawyers are human, and mistakes happen that cause people to be victimized by the legal system. The weight of the responsibility lawyers carry for their clients can be overwhelming, resulting in mistakes sometimes rising to the level of incompetence.

We believe it is important for victims of legal malpractice to be able to recover damages incurred through the malpractice. Further, we believe it is important to protect the public from unethical and incompetent lawyers by bringing their actions to the attention of the appropriate tribunals. These beliefs help right wrongs for an individual and strengthen the professional practice of law.

Losing a court battle or being sued over elements of a contract does not necessarily mean you have been victimized by legal malpractice. Common malpractice claims revolve around court filing requirements or deadlines that inhibit or limit claims, recoveries, or defenses that might be raised. Less common elements of malpractice include breach of fiduciary duty, abuse of power, and tampering with client funds. Some of these carry no malicious intent, while others rise to the level of fraud.

If you believe you’re a victim of a lawyer’s negligence or that your lawyer has defrauded you, finding a litigator skilled and experienced in the area of legal malpractice is important. At Burt Langley, we will review your claim and give you a clear understanding of whether your complaints meet the required thresholds and rise to the level of malpractice.

Asheville attorney Katherine Langley is experienced in litigating legal malpractice claims, and has served on the Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar. Katherine’s unique experience allows her to quickly and efficiently evaluate and advise you on your potential legal malpractice claim.